Certifications and accreditations Admin 8 September 2022

The certifications obtained by Interzen Consulting and by the ZenShare Suite solutions.

Our work is based on the objective of offering and guaranteeing certified quality services to the customer.

Le certificazioni nazionali e internazionali della Suite ZenShare
Interzen Certification-ISO9001
ISO 9001:2015 – Quality of Organization since 2013

Interzen quality certification on the minimum requirements to guarantee the quality level of the products and services provided.
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Interzen Certification 27001

International standard describing best practices for an ISMS (Information Security Management System, also called ISMS).
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View IQNet Certificate»

Defines advanced controls for cloud service providers and customers, clarifies roles and responsibilities of stakeholders with the aim of ensuring information security in the cloud environment.

It provides a set of specific controls with a “privacy by design” approach to manage the main issues, both legal and contractual, related to the management of personal data in public cloud environments.


Interzen is Sogei SDI accredited intermediary for Electronic Invoicing for both BTB (Private) and for the PA. Receiver code: PBV3TR8
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Interzen is Sogei’s NSO accredited intermediary for electronic orders. Recipient code:GTLWJSS6
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Interzen is qualified as PEPPOL AP (Access Point) and SMP (Service Metadata Publisher) for electronic ordering.
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Interzen is registered and authorized to operate on the electronic market of the Public Administration – MEPA
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Logo ACN

The D.L. 14 June 2021, no. 82 redefined the national cyber architecture and established the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) to protect national interests in the field of cybersecurity.
ZenShare Suite, already included in the Catalog of AgID Cloud services qualified for the Public Administration since 2019, has been present in the ACN Cloud Marketplace since 2023.

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CSA Cloud Security Alliance per rendere sicuro il Cloud Computing

CSA is the world’s leading organization in outlining and increasing knowledge of best practices for securing cloud computing.

Interzen has been registered since 02 December 2019 by carrying out the CSA STAR Self-Assessment.
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