Job orders management: organize, manage and monitor the progress of job orders.
ZenProject allows you to organize, manage and above all keep the progress of job orders under control through specific and fully usable functions thanks to a simple and comprehensive interface. The user will always have available, and in real time, both generic information on the order (project team, order status, start date and end date, etc.) and summary information of a more strategic nature on costs, revenues, deviations and margins.

The ZenProject module allows you to manage a job order processing workflow through the definition of specific states; from the start-up phase it is possible to route the order in well-defined processing states with the possibility of:
- notify the status changes of a job order to specific users such as Project Managers, Supervisors, Team users
- indicate for each status of the job order which are the subsequent statuses allowed
- indicate as mandatory the valorisation or insertion of some information and/or documents before the order moves to the next status.
As part of the management of an order, it is also possible to manage purchases instrumental to the development of a project: the Project Managers can make their purchase requests (PRQ) directly from the P&L (Profit & Loss) area of the order module. Find out the details of the ZenPurchase module
Optimization of times, productivity and continuous improvement
With ZenProject for each job order will be available:
The area dedicated to the planning of phases, activities, tasks.
the area where you can view the total time span used for a project.
the litmus test on the economic performance of the contract in progress.
for detecting daily activities and measuring performance