CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility Admin 20 September 2022

CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe we can do more, as far as possible.

This is the spirit that has guided Interzen since the beginning of its history: recognizing opportunities for collective enrichment in initiatives that aim to protect the founding values of our humanity.
These are moments that go beyond business in the strict sense and go as far as man and the ecosystem in which he lives. A new way of conceiving the role of companies in the twenty-first century.

Banco Alimentare Abruzzo

The Food Bank of Abruzzo, managed by the Associazione Banco Alimentare dell’Abruzzo Onlus, was born in 1997 in conjunction with the first edition of the Food Collection. Since then, as evidenced by the data on its activities, it has become one of the most important interventions against poverty in Abruzzo and Molise, the reference territories where it collects food surpluses every day and redistributes them to institutions that assist the poor.

Interzen supports Banco Alimentare Abruzzo by offering the ZenCRM cloud solution at a nominal cost for the optimal management of relationships with volunteers and supporters of the non-profit organization.

Take me Back

Corriere Solidale is a traveler who, through his itinerary, transports and delivers a gift to those in need. A modern globetrotter who discovers that giving something is the best way to receive, enriching his travel experience with solidarity.
Take Me Back combines travel with solidarity through a worldwide network of solidarity couriers. Each mission is documented through a video, so that donors can see all the phases of the mission, from the purchase of the material on site to the delivery in the hands of the children, making this charity innovative, transparent and engaging.
Interzen supports Take me Back by sponsoring solidarity missions for the world.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft’s cloud platform includes more than 200 cloud products and services designed to bring new solutions to life, successfully meet today’s challenges and create the future. For Azure, data centers and a sustainable cloud infrastructure offer a tremendous opportunity to positively impact the communities in which it operates. Azure has decided to focus on four essential areas of environmental impact on local communities, namely emissions, water, waste and ecosystems.

  • 100% renewable energy by 2025
  • Water positivity by 2030
  • Zero waste with certification by 2030
  • Zero deforestation from new buildings

Interzen delivers its entire ZenShare Suite in SaaS mode from the Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Provider.

Corporate welfare.

The corporate Welfare landscape is constantly evolving to respond to new economic and social challenges, with the private sector increasingly involved in offering solutions that exceed the population’s expectations.

In this context, Interzen has joined, starting from 2023, the Fondo Est, a health care body supplementary to the National Health Service.
Affiliation with Fondo Est represents a tangible commitment by Interzen towards the well-being of its employees, allowing them to access supplementary healthcare treatments through the reimbursement of medical expenses incurred at a vast network of affiliated healthcare facilities throughout the national territory .

The services offered by the East Fund range from reimbursements for specialist visits and emergency rooms to orthopedic medical aids, from physiotherapy to lenses and glasses, also including crucial services such as acupuncture, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and dialysis.

The wide range of services aims to cover a wide range of medical needs, guaranteeing a complete and personalized level of care.

Particularly relevant is the management by UniSalute on behalf of the Fondo Est of services such as hospitalization for surgical interventions, implantology and orthodontic services, dental prevention and dental diagnostic tests. This further expands the range of services, ensuring comprehensive coverage that goes beyond the sphere of general healthcare.

Interzen’s commitment to guaranteeing its collaborators an adequate level of well-being is constant and constantly evolving, given the great attention of management towards this very precious corporate asset.

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