ZenShare UP: the legally compliant platform for all public administrations
The ZenShare UP platform is designed to ensure full compliance with Italian regulations regarding the digital transition of Public Administrations, offering a secure and high-performance tool for document management and document registration.
Thanks to its microservices-based architecture, ZenShare UP meets the requirements of industry regulations, ensuring the adoption of best practices for the management and storage of electronic documents. Below are the main regulatory references with which the platform complies:
Testo Unico in materia di documentazione amministrativa (TUDA) – D.P.R. n. 445/2000
- ZenShare UP guarantees correct document management, integrating the principles of authenticity, integrity and legal validity of administrative documentation, as required by TUDA.
Codice dell’Amministrazione Digitale (CAD) – D.Lgs. n. 82/2005
- ZenShare UP supports the adoption of full digitalization of processes, complying with CAD standards for document management and their interoperability between public bodies.
Regole tecniche sulle firme elettroniche e le validazioni temporali – D.P.C.M. 22 february 2013
- ZenShare UP, thanks to its architecture based on Microservices, is able to integrate electronic signature systems, in full compliance with current legislation
D.P.C.M. 21 march 2013 – Documenti analogici originali unici
- It ensures the management of unique analog documents with specific restrictions, meeting the conservation requirements for public needs.
AgID Guidelines on the formation, management and conservation of electronic documents(2021)
- ZenShare UP fully adopts AgID guidelines, ensuring the correct formation, management and conservation of electronic documents, with technological solutions compliant with the highest standards.
AgID Vademecum for the implementation of the Guidelines
- Provides operational support in the implementation of the AgID Guidelines, integrating all the technical aspects necessary for efficient and secure digital document management.
Codice Civile (art. 2702, art. 2220, art. 2214, art. 2215-bis, art. 2712, art. 2717, ecc.)
- The platform ensures compliance with legal requirements on the maintenance, storage and reproduction of documents, including electronic signatures and digital documents.
Codice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio – D.Lgs. n. 42/2004
- The Cloud Native ZenShare UP platform complies with the provisions on the protection of documentary assets of historical and cultural importance, ensuring the correct conservation and archiving of documents of public interest.

Our experts are at your disposal for targeted advice and to provide you with all the support you need to make your organization compliant with current regulations with advanced digital solutions.