A new important certification is added to the Interzen Consulting medal collection: the ISO 27001 certification, the most important international standard for theInformation Security Management (SGSI or ISMS).
The achievement of the ISO 27001 certification, with its related extensions 27017 and 27018, establishes an important milestone to guarantee the quality and safety of the services offered by Interzen through the Suite ZenShare. We identify and manage information security risks by taking appropriate steps to mitigate any risks. An International Standard describing best practices for an information security management system (ISMS or ISMS).
Cybersecurity and privacy protection are vital for businesses and organizations today.
Having ISO 27001 certification also means:
- Protect information in all forms, including paper, cloud-based and digital data (integrity, confidentiality and availability of data)
- Increase resilience to cyber attacks
- Manage and protect all information in one place
- Ensure organization-wide security, also against technology-based risks and other threats
- Respond to threats to ever-evolving security
- Reduce costs and spending for ineffective defense technologies
Like other ISO management system standards, the ISO27001 certification is not mandatory, but Interzen, which has always cared about the safety and quality of the services offered, has chosen to implement this standard to benefit from the best practices contained in it in order to reassure customers and partners.