Fuji Film Case History
messy management of documents within the company intranet, the extreme difficulty in managing the processes of approving documents and archiving them in digital format represented another criticality of important proportions which affected the quality of work, the level of internal collaboration and obviously in an increasingly negative way on general productivity.
adopt a system that would restore order and was also able to significantly streamline the amount of paper documents present in the company, an easy system that would allow documents to be sorted to the recipient users within the intranet, insert them in an approval flow and was also able to guarantee secure access to documents through a system of viewing permissions and optimal archiving of documents in digital format in compliance with the legal provisions on conservation.
- optimized and automated management of the entire document lifecycle,
- transformation into digital format of the highest possible number of paper documents,
- automation and simplification of approval processes,
- filing of documents
- facilitation of communication and sharing within the company intranet.
Implemented solution
based on the needs that emerged and the objectives set, ZenDMS in its Workflow Edition was identified as the solution capable of effectively dealing with the situation
Company areas
administration, finance and control
Benefits obtained
the adoption of ZenShare Suite in its document management solution (ZenDMS) equipped with Workflow Module, has allowed the full achievement of all objectives, going well beyond expectations in terms of increased productivity and levels of company collaboration.