CAMST Admin 15 November 2022
Camst sceglie la Gestione Documentale e il Project Management di ZenShare - Case study

SECTOR: Catering

SOLUTIONS CAMSTNET intranet portal | ZendDMS | ZenProject Project Edition

CAMST Case History

The main problem for a company that has more than 16,000 employees was the lack of an effective tool that would allow real and effective information sharing, plus the difficulty of efficiently managing document flows. Another important knot to solve was the management of participation in tenders, which presented shortcomings, difficulties and inefficiencies in the preparation of the necessary documentation and in carrying out the activities required to legitimately access the calls for tenders that risked compromising new important sales opportunities.

have an area dedicated to sharing news, information, initiatives, documents and more generally company know-how;

  • have an automatic and modern tool for efficient and safe management of all company technical documentation;
  • being able to efficiently manage the projects, activities and work teams involved in participating in tenders.


  • develop a corporate intranet portal able to satisfy all the needs for consultation and sharing of contents, able to reawaken the spirit of collaboration, the involvement and the sense of belonging of those who would have accessed it.
  • ensure streamlined, secure and efficient management of documents throughout their life cycle, increasing the efficiency of the operators and company departments involved;
  • aim at an integrated management of projects related to participation in tenders.

Implemented Solution
The CAMSTNET intranet portal served to fully satisfy the need for internal sharing of information and company initiatives.
Thanks to ZenDMS, the document management solution, it was possible to offer truly efficient, technologically advanced management of the document lifecycle, also guaranteeing secure and confidential access to documents.
The implementation of our oroject management solution ZenProject in its Project Edition, has allowed an organized, efficient and automated management of the activities and processes related to the participation in tenders.

Project Description
The solution involved the adoption of the ZenDMS platform, on a base of 7,000 users, with customization of the graphics according to the guidelines of the Camst corporate identity. The creation of the portal required a strong consultancy activity for the reorganization of the company knowledge base. Subsequently, the portal was also adopted for the centralized management of: internal company procedures, access to the Social Loan and consultation of the account statement. Thanks to the complete integrability of our solutions, it was also possible to manage projects related to tenders in a structured and organic way.

Company areas
Organization and Human Resources / Project Management

Benefits obtained
The creation of the corporate intranet with attached document repository has made it possible to access contents and documents in an organized and widespread manner within the Camst Group. Thanks to the creation of diversified user profiles, all professional figures access the portal and consult contents and documents following guided paths. Furthermore, the structured management of tenders has allowed a rationalization, greater control and supervision of the entire process, with great improvements in terms of results obtained.

Categories: Food