Document Management System

Portfolio Tag: Document Management System

Nuovo Teatro Donizetti Case History

Fondazione Teatro Donizetti SECTOR:Culture SOLUTIONS: ZenDMS Protocol Edition Nuovo Teatro Donizetti Case History Problem difficulty in registering incoming and outgoing documents with ever-increasing quantities of

Gruppo Minardo Case History

Gruppo Minardo SECTOR:Oil, Publishing, Tourism SOLUTIONS: ZenDMS Enterprise Edition Gruppo Minardo Case History Problem The amount of paper documents had taken on such proportions as

Grammelot Case History

Grammelot S.r.l. SECTOR: ICT SOLUTIONS: ZenCRM, ZenDMS, ZenProject. Grammelot Case History Problem There were inefficiencies in all areas of the company. in the field of

Fondazione Agraria Case History

Fondazione per l’Istruzione Agraria SECTOR: Protection of artistic and agricultural heritage SOLUTIONS: ZenDMS Protocol Edition Fondazione Agraria Case History Problem difficulty in registering incoming and

Selecta Case History

Selecta S.p.A. SECTOR:Industrial printing and document management. SOLUTIONS: ZenDMS Selecta Case History Problem The excessive amount of material had a negative impact on the efficiency

Trenta Case History

Trenta S.p.A. SECTOR: Energy SOLUTIONS: ZenDMS Trenta Case History Problem The excessive amount of material had a negative impact on the efficiency of the document

Private Nursing Home.

Casa di cura privata SECTOR: Healthcare SOLUTIONS ZenDMS with Document register System and the Digital Medical Record Module Casa di Cura Privata Case History Problem

Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia Case History

PRT S.p.A. SECTOR: Industrial printing and document management SOLUTIONS: ZenDMS Poligrafico Roggero e Tortia Case History Problem The amount of documents to be archived and

Hydro Case History

Norsk Hydro ASA SECTOR: Manufacturing SOLUTIONS:ZenDMS and Digital archiving Hydro Case History Problem Document management was chaotic and increasingly difficult, in particular problems were highlighted

Società degli Interporti Siciliani Case History

Società degli Interporti Siciliani SECTOR: Logistics SOLUTIONS: ZenDMS Protocol Edition Società degli Interporti Siciliani Case History Problem extreme confusion and disorder in the management, logging,

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